Saturday, February 22, 2014


Not all chest pains are heart related. An acronym NCCP (Non Cardiac Chest Pain) refers to this condition.

Needless to say  how much  deceptive it might be by missing  a MI or an ACS  while  discharging as a result  from the Emergency Department a patient complaining of chest pain  with the so-called GI cocktail. Even though  every year a good percentage of Americans go to see their doctors or rush into the emergency service with a disastrous chest pain, there still are chest pain that are  not heart related . Here are some :

  • ·         GI Disorders such as : Esophagitis, gastro-duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, 
  • ·         GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux disease) gallbladder inflammation,
  • ·         Lungs Diseases: pleuritis, pneumothorax
  • ·         Aorta Dissection
  • ·         Chest wall inflammation

Without doubt , it pays off to have available  these life saving drugs used  it the first hours of an acute myocardial infarction: nitroglycerine, aspirin, oxygen, artery relaxers, clot-busting drugs, and blood thinners, to name them.  But, by considering another alternative to the current ischemia based chest pain thanks to a better approach, physicians help patients not only to overcome chest pain fear but also benefit actually  from the main underlying condition

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