Saturday, May 31, 2014




·        Before any examination,  body  language happens to help sometimes. Notice how shape, color,movement, size & expression or attitude refer to deep
     health conditions.  

Bell's  Palsy
uman body never lies, according to a saying. In daily life as well as when affected by disease. Let’s see how it express itself in ailments.

      To people and clinicians acquainted with  healthcare conditions, there are some details that help map out the beginning and the worsening of a pathology. The body has a story on its own; and the following physical change gives very often some clues to pinpoint a lot of diseases when it is not about all of them.

This physical change comprises besides the BMI
1.      Shape
2.      Siᴢe
3.      Position
4.      Location
5.      Colour
6.      Sounds

       The BMI, the Body Mass Index refers to weight and height at once. Overweight people tend to develop current conditions such as stroke, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, lipidemia, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea and so forth. So do underweight ones when suffering from a proteino-calories deficiency like that happens in underdeveloped countries.

      By the same token, any modification in size, shape are also features of many underlying disorders.
     At the level of face, to begin with, the facial nerve, the WII, when affected, gives birth to some modifications. Bell’s palsy is the best example of the involvement of this nerve. Clinically Bell’s palsy reunites the following signs: eyelid drop, incapacity to close one eye, congested nose, and drop tear; Horner’s syndrome, with its cluster of clinical features and signs at the face is another example of expressive body language related to cerebral and nerve disorders.

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